Azerbaijan says 14 dead in military helicopter crash

Azerbaijan says 14 dead in military helicopter crash


Fourteen people died on Nov. 30 in an Azerbaijani military helicopter crash which went down in the east of the Caucasus country during a training flight, officials said.

"Fourteen people died and two more were wounded as a result of a state border service helicopter crash," the ex-Soviet republic’s frontier guard said in a statement.

It said all of the victims were military servicemen.

Earlier Tuesday, the country’s border service and prosecutor general said in a joint statement that "a military helicopter belonging to Azerbaijan’s state border service crashed today at Garakheybat airfield in the Khyzy region at approximately 10:40 am (GMT 0640) while conducting a training flight."

They said an investigation was underway into the accident’s causes.

The incident came two weeks after Azerbaijan and neighboring Armenia engaged in the worst fighting along their shared border since going to war last year over the occupied Nagorno-Karabakh region.