Aydın Doğan meets German chancellor

Aydın Doğan meets German chancellor

BERLIN – Hürriyet Daily News

Aydın Doğan (L), the Honorary Chariman of Doğan Holding discusses integration with Chancellor Angela Merkel. Hürriyet photo

Germany is "always open to good ideas" regarding the integration of immigrants into the German society, said Chancellor Angela Merkel, speaking at a meeting of the German Integration Foundation (Deutschlandstiftung Integration).

"Diversity is richness," Merkel said, speaking at the reception held to mark the 50th anniversary of Turkish immigration to Germany. Among the attendees of the reception were Aydın Doğan, Honorary Chairman of Doğan Holding, Sevda Boduroğlu, the general manager of Doğan Media Int GmbH and Hürriyet Europe Publication Advisor Ahmet Külahçı.

The German chancellor reminded that the "New Integration Summit" will be held by the end of this month. "I thank the foundation, and especially the Doğan family for their high contribution to the integration of the Turkish population in Germany," she said, adding that her government is "always open" to good ideas on integration.

Merkel also thanked the Burda Group, Axel Springer and the Bertelsmann Foundation for supporting the German Integration Foundation.

In his speech, Wolfgang Fürstner, the foundation's speaker who also leads Germany's Publishers' Association, said the organization is working to make sure immigrants feel at home, according to the Doğan News Agency.

Hubert Burda, the president of the German Magazine Publishers' Association (VDZ). emphasized the importance of learning the German language in integration. Successful individuals in sports and economy also provide examples for integration, Burda said.

The Jan. 18 reception was attended by many prominent names, including Turkey's Berlin Ambassador Hüseyin Avni Karslıoğlu, Berlin Consul-General Mustafa Pulat, Bild editor-in-chief Karl Diekmann, Federal Minister Maria Böhmer, SPD deputy president Aydan Özoğuz, CDU lawmaker Wolfgang Bosbach, Green Party lawmaker Memet Kılıç, FC Bayern Munchen chief Uli Hoeness and businessman Nihat Sorgeç.