Aydın Doğan Foundation opens conference hall in high school in northeastern Turkey
ERZİNCAN – Doğan News Agency

Turkey’s Aydın Doğan Foundation opened a “student center and conference hall” on Oct. 25 in the Erzincan High School, located in the northeastern province of Erzincan, from which Doğan Group Honorary Chairman Aydın Doğan himself graduated in 1958.
A committee from the Aydın Doğan Foundation, including Hanzade Doğan Boyner, Education Deputy Minister Orhan Erdem, Erzican Governor Ali Arslantaş, Erzincan Mayor Cemalettin Başsoy and many other officials as well as the high school’s students joined the ceremony.
“Even today, my father [Aydın Doğan] remembers Erzincan and this high school longingly, and speaks about his memories. At that time, since there was no high school in his hometown of Kelkit [in the Black Sea province of Gümüşhane], my father, who chose the Erzincan High School to continue his education, has made his choice this way not only because of Erzican’s closeness to Kelkit but because he had also heard about this school’s fame,” Hanzade Doğan Boyner said during the opening ceremony.
Hanzade Doğan Boyner touched upon Aydın Doğan Foundation’s “Dad, Send me to School” (BBOG) social responsibility project, which has established many dormitories and schools across Turkey.
“Also, I believe that the student center will meet an important need of our youngsters attending this high school. We have more than ten schools in this region and we have dormitories. The region’s importance for us is high. My father is very happy to have gifted this building to you,” said Boyner.
The Education Minister Deputy Orhan Erdem also took the stage during the ceremony, saying there had been important improvements in Turkey since 2002 in education. “Aydın Doğan attended this school, he has not forgotten it. He has established a very important foundation. He runs educational activities meticulously in many areas, including places he has lived,” said Erdem.
Erzincan High School was established in 1905. The school has produced approximately 15,000 graduates so far, among them are academics, deputies, governors, mayors, poets, journalists and businessman.