As it happened: PM Erdoğan declares local poll victory amid fraud claims

PM Erdoğan took the stage with his family, including his youngest son Bilal, who was implicated in the December 17 corruption investigation, at his party's headquarters in Ankara. AA Photo
Turkey heads to polling stations in tense local elections
11:11 - Citizens will vote using three separate envelopes. An orange envelope is being used to vote for the provincial general assemblies. A blue envelope is being used for mayoral candidates and a purple envelope is being used for the muhtar (village or neighborhood head) candidate.
10:50 - Long lines were reported at voting centers in the early hours of the day, especially in metropolitan municipalities. Electoral participation has traditionally been high in Turkey compared to many Western countries. In the previous local elections in 2009, the participation rate was 85.19 percent. In the 2011 general elections, 83.16 percent of Turks went to the ballot box.
08:39 - A fight between two groups erupted over the elections for the muhtar in a southeastern village. In the Çiftlik village of Birecik, Şanlıurfa, two families supporting different muhtar candidates fought with clubs, knives and arms. Nine people were injured.
08:12 - The beginning of daylight saving time was postponed in Turkey because of elections this year. Clocks will be turned one hour forward tomorrow, instead of today. However, as most smartphones are changing to daylight saving time automatically, many Turks went to the ballot box before voting began. Some citizens had to wait up to one hour to vote.
08:00 - Voting has started in the western provinces of Turkey.
07:00 - Voting has started in the eastern provinces of Turkey.