Anti-terror fight requires unity, says CHP leader

Terror is a crime against humanity and the fight against it requires unity and smart policies, the head of the main opposition party has said.
“If terror is a crime against humanity and if we all respect people then we should be all together in regards to [the fight against] terror. We should all stand against it regardless from where and who it comes from,” Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, the leader of the Republican People’s Party (CHP), told his parliamentary group in his weekly address on Nov. 22.
Launching vicious political debates over terror acts will not have any advantage to Türkiye, Kılıçdaroğlu said, “On the contrary, it will only serve to help terror organizations. They want to divide the nation. We are the people’s political party, and it is our job to create terror-free Türkiye.”
The CHP leader recalled the recent deadly attack in downtown Istanbul that killed six people, asking “But we have not asked the main question yet: How come this terrorist crossed the border into Türkiye? How come the borders of the Republic of Türkiye are easily crossed?”
He also said he will outline a new vision that would resolve all the problems of Türkiye on Dec. 3.