Anti-migrant billboards in Bolu removed

Anti-migrant billboards in Bolu removed


Billboards with anti-migrant content in the northwestern province of Bolu have been removed at the request of the public prosecutor’s office.

The billboards were commissioned by the controversial mayor, Tanju Özcan, who is known for his anti-migrant views.

The billboards, which read “You are not wanted anymore, return to your country,” referring to migrants, had been hung on the busy streets in the province.

A resident of Bolu filed complaints against the billboards. The prosecutor’s office ruled for the removal of them on the ground of “hatred and discrimination.”

In November last year, the municipality’s council approved proposals that introduced a tenfold fee for the water bills and a 100,000 Turkish Lira (around $7,500) wedding fee for foreigners living in Bolu.

Later a court issued a stay of execution regarding a series of controversial policies.