Antalya Documentary and short film juries

Antalya Documentary and short film juries

ANTALYA – Hürriyet Daily NEws
Antalya Documentary and short film juriesAntalya Documentary and short film juries The main jury members for the 49th Golden Orange Film Festival documentary and short film competitions were announced yesterday and include directors, screenwriters and academicians.

The jury for the festival’s documentary film competition is comprised of directors Nezahat Gündoğan, Kemal Öner, Nalan Sakızlı, cinema writer Ali Ulvi Uyanık and academic-director Professor Perihan Taş Öz.
The film awarded Best Documentary Film will be gifted 15,000 Turkish Liras, while the recipient of the First Documentary Film will be awarded 5,000 liras and the Golden Orange statue.

The main jury of the festival’s short film competition is composed of directors Erol Mintaş, Can Evrenol, artist Özay Fecht, cinema writers Fırat Yücel and Selin Sevinç. The winner of the short film competition will receive 10,000 liras and as well as a Golden Orange statue.

Jury for SİYAD Special Prize

For the Cinema Writers Association (SİYAD) Special Award, this year’s National Feature Competition Films will be evaluated by a jury made up of Gözde Onaran, Rasih Yılmaz and Erkan Aktuğ.

Sevin Okyay, Ceylan Özgün Özçelik, Okan Arpaç will serve as jury members for the International SİYAD Special Prize.

The Golden Orange Film Festival is being organized in collaboration with the Antalya Metropolitan Municipality and the Antalya Foundation for Culture and Arts (AKSAV).