‘All That is Solid’ at Istanbul Modern

‘All That is Solid’ at Istanbul Modern

The second temporary installation of the YAP Istanbul Modern: Young Architects Program and the international “YAP 2014-2015 Finalists” exhibition, “All That is Solid,” was inaugurated on June 9. The program is carried out by Istanbul Modern in partnership with The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) and MoMA PS1.

Initiated in 2012 by Istanbul Modern in collaboration with MoMA and MoMA PS1, the YAP Istanbul Modern: Young Architects Program is held biannually during the summer and offers young, emerging architects the opportunity to design a temporary installation in Istanbul Modern’s courtyard. 
“All That is Solid” was designed by PATTU, founded by Cem Kozar and Işıl Ünal in 2009. The selection of the project was undertaken by an international jury presided by Professor Suha Özkan together with architectural experts and representatives from Istanbul Modern and other YAP International partners. From among the proposals of the five finalists, the jury selected “All That is Solid,” a design that borrows geometries from past buildings that once stood in the area where Istanbul Modern is located and crunches them together in a chaotic way. 

An international exhibition curated by YAP Istanbul Modern program coordinators Çelenk Bafra and Pelin Derviş will be on view in Istanbul Modern’s pop-up exhibition area until Aug. 2. The exhibition features models, visuals and videos of the projects proposed by the finalists invited to the program by the partner institutions in 2014 and 2015.

According to PATTU, who were inspired by the industrial history of the area, “All That is Solid” is not just a reminder of the past but also a statement about the imminent change the future holds, so that we can be more critical about it.

“Buildings are like anchors to memories because they tend to last longer than our human lifespan. But how solid are buildings? The fact that they are made of stone, cement and marble does not really make them last eternally. They can easily be gone in a day. So we borrowed a part of the famous quote ‘All that is solid melts into air.’ Our approach was to dissect the space around Istanbul Modern with all its elements and previous constructions and reassemble them, showing the ephemeral side of architecture. The design borrows geometries from past buildings that once stood in the area and crunches them together in a chaotic way. But this chaos starts making sense over the course of a day as the transparent shapes become opaque; Past geometries become visible and invisible,” according to PATTU.

Project events 

A special events program will be held throughout the summer in the museum’s courtyard, focusing on various disciplines that include music, cinema and performing arts.

On June 21, a unique and special event called “Yoko Ono Morning Peace 2015” will be organized in celebration of the longest day of the year and the artist Yoko Ono. The program will start at sunrise with a yoga session and continue until noon with a tea workshop and art stations for different age groups as well as DJ sets and concerts.

The Istanbul Modern Cinema has programmed three films that will take the spectator on a journey through Istanbul’s past. On July 2, 3, and 4, a different film will be screened each evening at the open-air cinema to be set up in Istanbul Modern’s courtyard, reviving the memory of the area where the museum now stands.

The museum’s education and social projects department has also prepared an educational program related to the project titled “Puzzle Buildings.” The program is for children aged 7-12 and is free of charge. It will be carried out from July through November.