AKP spokesperson Çelik says democracy package needs time

AKP spokesperson Çelik says democracy package needs time

ANKARA - Anadolu Agency

The new democracy package will come in its own time, according to ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) spokesperson Hüseyin Çelik. AA photo

The democracy package is progressing in line with the “spirit of time” and cannot be rushed, according to the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) spokesperson Hüseyin Çelik.

“We will do whatever needs to be done for an advanced democracy. But we will do so by managing the public understanding. Not all can be done in a day. There is something called the spirit of time. We do what we have to in accordance with the spirit of time, and we continue to do so,” Çelik said.

The AKP spokesperson added that the package’s origin came from the party declaration ahead of elections in 2011, saying that the package was among the goals to be attained in the first chapter of the 2023 target.

The package has brought together those “who felt wronged” and “the deficiencies of the judicial system” in its working phases, according to Çelik.

“When it is finally out there, we hope it is something on which we can say ‘this is what the people were waiting for. Once it’s out, will Turkey have a perfect democracy with advanced characteristics? No, this is a long toad. We will stay on it, and we will continue to do so as long as need be,” Çelik said.

The package will come out as a result of listening to the people of all seven regions of the country, Çelik added. He also signaled a possible meeting on the matter very soon, saying, “We will get back together before August ends, or in early September.”