AI chatbot writes poem for Children’s Day

AI chatbot writes poem for Children’s Day

Melike Çalkap - ISTANBUL
AI chatbot writes poem for Children’s DayAI chatbot writes poem for Children’s Day

Artificial intelligence bot ChatGPT has written a special poem for Türkiye’s National Sovereignty and Children’s Day, with Turkish experts finding its Turkish “insufficient” but believing that it will “learn in time.”

The chatbot, recently launched by the U.S.-based company OpenAI, can chat, answer questions logically, and even write articles and solve mathematical problems.

It describes itself as a language model focused on understanding human language and providing meaningful answers.

It even wrote a poem for National Sovereignty and Children’s Day: “April 23 is children’s day, their happiness and joy are shared, be passed on to future generations, April 23 is a special day for Türkiye.”

“This application, claimed to bring an end to jobs based on writing, will also move stones in education. Its Turkish is insufficient, but it will learn,” Selçuk Şirin, a professor from New York University (NYU), said in a Twitter post.

Şirin stated that there would be no need for people for an average report draft or a text that does not require creativity. He also noted that a significant part of the homework given in high schools and universities may lose its function and that a “new era has begun in education.”

However, the language model technology says it will not threaten people’s professions in the long run.

Such artificial intelligence applications will contribute to the education world if used for good purposes, but teachers would need to change their assessment and evaluation systems, said Hatice Köse, a professor from Istanbul Technical University (İTÜ).

“This surprising development provides satisfactory data that artificial intelligence can also play the role of a teacher in education,” said Tolga Güyer, a professor from Gazi University, adding that though the bot says “it cannot replace teachers.”

When asked what it thinks about Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of modern Türkiye, the bot says he is the leader with the greatest influence since the founding of Türkiye, and he made the country a modern state.

“Atatürk put Türkiye on par with the advanced democratic countries in the West and is considered one of the greatest leaders of the 20th century,” it added.