Academy Award voters are old, white, male
ISTANBUL - Hürriyet Daily News

The Academy Awards chooses its winners based on the votes of a select group of Hollywood insiders, but it turns out that group might be more select than previously thought.According to a study conducted by The Los Angeles Times, the academy, which boasts 5,765 members, is 94 percent Caucasian and 77 percent male. Only 14 percent of the Academy is younger than 50, while only 2 percent are African-American and 2 percent are Latino.
It is not an entirely surprising result as the industry is known for being primarily male and white, and Academy President Tom Sherak said that was part of the problem. He said that he had attempted to diversify the academy, but had had trouble doing so because it mirrored a very white industry. “If the industry as a whole is not doing a great job opening up its ranks, it’s very hard for us to diversify our membership,” said Academy governor Phil Alden Robinson.
Sherak said that he was hoping more diverse members of the industry would apply for membership.