A play for two on stage at İKSV

A play for two on stage at İKSV

A play for two on stage at İKSVA play for two on stage at İKSV Starting tonight, Monday evenings on the Salon İKSV stage will be “İki Kişilik Bir Oyun” (A Play for Two). Designed for two performers, the play involves two people unable to encounter each other, “connected” but not joined, they “try in the here and now to progress inside the re-collective passages of life’s journey.”

Directed by Aslı Mertan and Bülent Erken, a different pair of actors will perform every week, tonight’s being Tan Temel and Serkan Salihoğlu. Unfortunately, a Turkish translation will not be available.

Tickets are available at biletix.com, standing tickets cost 50 TL and student tickets cost 25 TL. Address: Nejat Eczacıbaşı Binası, Sadi Konuralp Caddesi No:5, Şişhane, Istanbul