A feminist to compete for Beyoğlu mayor

A feminist to compete for Beyoğlu mayor

Hurriyet Daily News with wires
Speaking at a press conference Saturday, Taylı said: "Women want to have the right to speak in local elections. This time we are not demanding anything, we have a candidate to meet our demands." According to Taylı, feminist policy is needed in local administrations. "We are here to show what is needed. Present local administrations do not open nurseries and shelters for those in need even though they are obliged to," she said.

Stating that it was always feminists and other women who stood up to or protested harassment that took place in the Beyoğlu district, Taylı said: "The Mor İğne Kampanyası" (Purple Needle Campaign) was among them. Local administrations are always working with the ideas and decisions of men. A policy that considers different needs would only be possible from a feminist point of view. The feminist policy would give importance to women and their needs."

According to the candidate, women should be provided with computer skills and occupational courses rather than tailoring, delicacy and manners courses. "For men there should be childcare and elderly care courses.

Stating that Beyoğlu had an urbanization problem, she said: "If projects are run to transform cities it will be in the interests of everyone in the community."

She added she foresees more freedom of expression for gays and lesbians. "We want to change the system by stopping those who use women as sex slaves." Istanbul’s transportation is also a hot topic on her agenda.