5.0 magnitude earthquake shakes eastern Turkey

5.0 magnitude earthquake shakes eastern Turkey


A 5.0 magnitude earthquake shook Van province in eastern Turkey late June 12.

Turkey’s AFAD emergency and disaster authority said the quake struck 18.6 kilometers (11.5 miles) deep at 9.35 p.m. (1835 GMT) near the Tuşba district of Van. The province borders Iran.

Van governor Ozan Balcı told the local media outlets that there were no “negative” reports yet but that emergency teams were working to identify any possible damage. Turkey’s health minister tweeted there were no reports of deaths or injuries.

A 7.2 magnitude quake hit Van in 2011, killing more than 600 people and injuring thousands.

In 2020, an earthquake centered in the Iranian city of Khoy with a 5.7 magnitude killed nine people in Van.

Turkey sits on top of major fault lines and earthquakes are frequent.