12 under arrest in corruption probe

12 under arrest in corruption probe

ISTANBUL - Hürriyet Daily News
A dozen individuals have been arrested in the aftermath of a police operation at Turkey’s Public Procurement Authority (KİK), according to press reports Friday.

The police raided the KİK headquarters Feb. 13, on allegations that public tenders have been systematically rigged on behalf of certain companies. During the operations, a total of 23 individuals, including KİK board member Ali Kaya, two inspectors and many businesspeople, were detained. 

Out of this 23, 15 suspects were sent to the court with a request from the prosecutor for their arrest. The court decided to send 12 people to jail, including one inspector and four businessmen.

A total of 45 tenders could have been rigged, press reports say. The claims are numerous, including “organizing a party” for one inspector at a massage parlor as a bribe. Police found out that this inspector’s mother had a suspicious amount of money in her bank account. Also, the wedding and honeymoon costs of his son were provided, it was claimed. According to one allegation, folk singer İsmail Türüt took to the stage at a circumcision ceremony organized by the inspector, getting 5,000 Turkish Liras in return. 

The police also say that plane tickets for two inspectors were purchased by companies who also paid for their accommodation expenses. Alongside bribes in cash, KİK members also took bribes in the form of watches, mobile phones, pens, suits, shoes and even 3-D movie glasses, according to the police. k HDN