Russian FM invites Turkey to reveal content of grounded Syrian airplane

Russian FM invites Turkey to reveal content of grounded Syrian airplane


Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov talks with journalists during a joint press conference in Islamabad, Pakistan, 04 October 2012. EPA photo

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has demanded Ankara provide answers about the contents of material seized by Turkish authorities from a Damascus-bound jet forced to land in Ankara on Oct. 10, daily Hürriyet has reported.

"After our own investigation which revealed there weren't any ammunition or arms, we announced there were only legal electronic devices on the airplane,” Lavrov said. “But Turkey has not declared anything about the content of the airplane yet. We demand Turkish authorities make a public declaration on the matter.”

Turkey forced down the passenger jet, which was en route from Moscow to Damascus, on suspicions that it was carrying military material.