American Turkish Society honors Chobani CEO with humanitarian award
Razi Canikligil - NEW YORK

AA photo
Hamdi Ulukaya, the Turkey-born founder and chief of Chobani yogurt company in the United States, has been granted with a humanitarian award by the American Turkish Society (ATS) for his personal efforts to relieve suffering of Syrian refugees.The ATS also awarded Hüsnü Özyeğin, founder and chairman of FIBA Holding, for his international humanitarian and philanthropic contributions.
“If you have money, donate it. If you have time, give it. If you have voice, raise it. Help the rest of the world to understand these suffering millions of women, men and children are not outsiders, but their neighbors. They all deserve food and accommodation. They deserve a safe place to live. Most importantly, they want to be treated in decent way. They want compassion, love and dignity,” Ulukaya said at the award ceremony during the ATS Annual Gala in New York City on Oct. 6.
Ulukaya donated $2 million for refugees who had to leave their country amid rising violence last year. He also signed the Giving Pledge Act to donate most of his own fortune, which is estimated to be around $1.4 billion, to make a contribution to resolve the global refugee crisis.
Özyeğin donated over $420 million to support educational, heath and rural development. He opened a total of 65 schools and dormitories across Turkey and granted scholarships to more than 12,000 students.
The honorary gala chair was Mica Ertegün and the dinner chair was Muhtar Kent, chairman and CEO of the Coca-Cola Company, at the gala dinner.
The ATS was established in 1949 to enhance business, economic and cultural ties between Turkey and the U.S.