Akşener reveals newly-appointed members to İYİ Party

Akşener reveals newly-appointed members to İYİ Party

Akşener reveals newly-appointed members to İYİ Party

İYİ (Good) Party leader Meral Akşener has announced the newly appointed members of the party's General Administrative Board during its first gathering after the third ordinary congress held on June 24.

Haberin Devamı

The highlight of the 21-member council was the appointment of Buğra Kavuncu, the party's Istanbul chair and deputy, as the head of an organization that had been under the supervision of Koray Aydın for the past one and a half years.

Previously, Aydın held the position after the establishment of the party. However, in March 2022, Akşener made a change and reassigned Aydın to the presidency of political affairs while attaching the organization to herself. After the May elections, Aydın became the party's parliamentary group chair.

Another notable appointment was the selection of former Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) Deputy and Transport Minister Oktay Vural as the new head of political affairs. Additionally, Akşener appointed Adana Deputy Ayyüce Türkeş, the daughter of Alparslan Türkeş, the founding leader of the MHP, to the new party management.

Several new names were introduced to the party administration, including lawyer Ece Güner, retired judge Ahmet Zeki Üçok, former deputy Naci Cinisli, Cem Özdemir, Sedat Aksakallı, and Şükrü Kuleyn.

Bilge Yılmaz, the head of economic policies, Ümit Özlale, the head of development policies, and Sevinç Atabay, the head of education policies, were among those who retained their positions.

Kürşad Zorlu, who remained as the party spokesperson, was also appointed as the head of the newly created media relations unit.

One surprise change in the council was the exclusion of Uğur Poyraz, the general secretary. Former economy minister Ayfer Yılmaz, who previously served in the presidential council, was appointed to Poyraz's position.

Notably, Şenol Sunat, the former head of political affairs; Metin Ergun, the former head of local administrations; Cihan Paçacı, the former head of corporate relations; and Ümit Dikbayır, the former head of financial affairs, did not secure positions in the new administration.

iyi party, Turkish, Opposition ,