Akşener denounces Hamas' actions as terrorism

İYİ Party leader Meral Akşener has criticized the Palestinian militant group Hamas' recent onslaught, describing it as terrorism.
"We are once again painfully witnessing how radical politics and terrorism are a spiral that feed each other," Akşener stated during her party's group meeting on Oct. 11.
Akşener first criticized Israel's "long-standing use of disproportionate force" in the region, asserting that it has continually squeezed Palestine into an ever-narrowing geographic space, "which gave birth to terrorism."
"War is bad, but there is a law in fighting. If you kill innocents, it is not war, but terrorism. If you rape women, it is not war, but terrorism," Akşener declared.
The İYİ Party leader further asserted that calling terrorism by its rightful name is crucial for "maintaining the legitimacy necessary to counteract ‘other countries' hypocritical attitudes" toward PKK's actions in Türkiye.
"With these actions, Hamas has put a black stain on the just struggle of the Palestinian people... and has made Israel, which has been violating international law for years, a victim in the eyes of the world public opinion," Akşener added.
Akşener also expressed her party's support for Türkiye's Foreign Ministry's current approach, which she described as "prudent and balanced." This approach, she noted, aligns with international law, and prioritizes the establishment of peace in the region.