AKP official signals new measures against online games

AKP official signals new measures against online games

AKP official signals new measures against online games

The head of Türkiye's parliamentary commission on digital media has signaled potential new measures to combat screen addiction and the influence of online video games.

"This game issue has become a national security issue in Türkiye, and at this point, we need to protect our youth," Hüseyin Yayman, a ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) lawmaker, told local media on Aug. 26.

The discussion intensified after reports surfaced that an 18-year-old young man in Eskişehir who randomly stabbed five people may have been influenced by video games.

"The most recent incident we experienced in Eskişehir left no need for further words," he said. "We definitely need to limit the time they spend on these computers and games."

Yayman announced plans to convene experts on digital addiction in parliament to gather their input and explore potential solutions. Among the proposed measures is the inclusion of digital literacy in school curricula.

This comes shortly after Türkiye ordered the closure of the online gaming platform Roblox, citing content that "could potentially lead to child abuse."

The decision, which took effect on Aug. 7, was issued by a court in the southern city of Adana as part of an ongoing investigation.

When asked whether more platforms could face similar actions, Yayman expressed uncertainty.

"It is very clear that these platforms really want to steal our youth and direct society in a different way," he said. "We will take every precaution to protect our state against these transnational digital companies."