Actress wins Baykal Saran Award in Ankara
Deniz Akkuş ANKARA - Hürriyet Daily News

Gülin Ersoy receives the Baykal Saran award from Lemi Bilgin. DAILY NEWS photo, Selahattin SÖNMEZ
Gülin Ersoy received this year’s Baykal Saran Theater Award for her performance in Ankara State Theater’s production of “The Glass Menagerie” at Ankara Şinasi.Ersoy received her award in a ceremony held Nov. 5 after Ersoy performed in the Turkish version of Tennessee Williams’ “The Glass Menagerie,” which was translated into Turkish by Can Yücel and directed by Jason Hale.
“Baykal Sayan’s name has added honor to my name. Baykal Sayan’s life work is going to light the way for us young actors.” Ersoy said after receiving the award from Director General of State Theaters Lemi Bilgin.
Former President Ahmet Necdet Sezer and his spouse Semra Sezer, former Minister of Culture Fikri Sağlar and Saran’s spouse Beyhan Saran were among the attendees of the ceremony.
The 32-year-old Ankara State Theater actress began her career on the stage in 1995. A year after she graduated from Hacettepe University Ankara State Conservatory Ersoy started working in Sivas State Theater in 2002. After having gained the status of permanent staff of that theater, she was appointed to Ankara State Theater in 2011.
The Baykal Saran Theater Award has been awarded annually by Saran’s family since 2007 in memory of Baykal Saran, the State Theater actor and director who passed away July 28, 2006. Comprised of Lemi Bilgin, Atila Sav, Rüştü Asyalı, Selçuk Yöntem and Erdal Saran, Baykal Saran Theater Award Selection Committee deemed Ersoy worthy of the award for the term 2011- 2012.
In 2009 the award was bestowed on Erdal Beşikçioğlu, best known for his performance in the popular crime television series “Behzat Ç.” Other previous winners include Benian Dönmez in 2007, Durukan Ordu in 2008, Servet Pandur in 2010 and Tolga Tekin in 2011.