A message from Doğan Group Honorary Chairman Aydın Doğan

I first came to Istanbul for my higher education 59 years ago, arriving from the Kelkit district of the remote northern Turkish province of Gümüşhane.
I threw myself into business world on my own when I was 23 years old, registering myself at Istanbul’s Şişli Tax Office. That is how the foundations of the Doğan Group were laid. The Doğan Group today carries a significant economic weight and operates successfully across a range of sectors.
I entered the media sector through the written media back in 1979. Over the years we have been involved in significant breakthroughs in all fields of the media sector. We were the first in Turkish media history to establish partnerships with foreign media organizations, bringing key foreign capital and technology to our country and pioneering many innovative developments. Throughout my 40-year publishing career we have not only managed to grow within Turkey, we have also managed to become one of the most significant and respected media organizations in Europe.
As a publisher, I have always attached great importance to the universal principles of journalism and objective reporting. I have also always paid strict attention to protect our nation’s interests and the rights of our people. Turkey itself has been the biggest passion for both me and my family.
In fact, there is no other person who has worked as a publisher for 40 straight years in Turkey’s media sector, in which changes are rapidly and constant. There are few comparable examples around the world too.
I am more than 80 years old now and at this point I have willingly decided to end my publishing career.
In line with this decision, we have started talks on the sale of the Doğan Group’s media assets with our friend of 60 years, the Demirören Group, which previously bought the daily newspaper Milliyet from our group. We signed the term sheet for the transaction on the morning of March 22. I wish the best for everybody regarding this agreement and declare that the necessary procedures have been initiated for the protocol to enter into force and for the final sale to be completed.
During the transition period we will be taking care of our work. I also fully believe that my co-workers in the media sector will look after their organization with the same devotion as they have always done.
I offer my gratitude and regards to all co-workers and journalist friends who have devoted themselves to the Doğan Group in the media sector for many years, supporting us through both good and bad times.
But I would like to send the biggest thanks to our newspaper readers, TV viewers, and digital media followers who have been following us with loyalty and dedication over the years. It is their support that has kept us alive and I would like to say once again that I particularly owe them a debt of gratitude.
My sincere regards,