5,000 'lords' and 'ladies' in Turkey

Turkish actress Beren Saat, Hürriyet photo
5,000 people in Turkey, including a number of famous figures, have obtained a "lady" or "lord" title from the Kincavel region of Scotland since March 2012, according to private broadcaster CNN Türk.A company in Scotland is selling lady and lord titles for 25 U.K. pounds, and the service was brought to Turkey last year.
"While I was looking for an extraordinary gift for my girlfriend I found out that a company in the U.K. gave 'lord' and 'lady' certificates for those who bought one meter-squared of soil in the Kincavel region of Scotland. Afterwards, I contacted the company and took control of Turkish distribution in March 2012," said Turkish entrepreneur Faruk Kurtoğlu.
"Since that time, 5,000 Turks have obtained a legal 'lord' or 'lady' of Kincavel certificate," he added.
It costs 250 Turkish Liras for Turkish citizens to obtain the titles from Kurtoğlu's website. Actress Beren Saat, singers Kenan Doğulu and Deniz Seki, and footballer Alex de Souza are among the celebrities to have taken advantage of the offer.