200 mln liras jackpot hit four quarter tickets

200 mln liras jackpot hit four quarter tickets

200 mln liras jackpot hit four quarter tickets

<p>Bu yıla &ouml;zel olarak 200 milyon liralık b&uuml;y&uuml;k ikramiyenin tamamı dağıtım garantili olacak. Yani bilet payına bakılmaksızın, B&uuml;y&uuml;k Ikramiye, isabet ettiği satılan bilet ya da biletler arasında eşit olarak paylaştırılacak. Ayrıca Milli Piyango Yılbaşı &Ccedil;ekilişi, b&uuml;y&uuml;k ikramiye satılan bilete &ccedil;ıkana kadar devam edecek.</p> <p><a href="https://www.hurriyet.com.tr/galeri-amorti-nedir-ne-demek-milli-piyango-amorti-sorgulama-ekrani-ve-rakamlari-42195654" target="_blank" rel="box noopener noreferrer">https://www.hurriyet.com.tr/galeri-amorti-nedir-ne-demek-milli-piyango-amorti-sorgulama-ekrani-ve-rakamlari-42195654</a></p>

Four quarter ticket holders won the 200 million Turkish Liras ($10.7 million) jackpot of the Grand New Year’s Lottery this year.

Haberin Devamı

Two of the winning tickets were purchased from the northwestern province of Bursa Osmangazi district and the northern province of Giresun’s city center, while the other two were brought online.

With a new application to be used for the first time in the history of the national lottery, the jackpot was shared equally among the holders of the winning tickets.

Grand New Year’s lottery prize was set at 200 million liras, while a total of 1.39 billion liras ($74.8 million) was to be distributed.

While it is not yet known who the lucky winner from Bursa is, the dealer who bought the quarter ticket that hit the jackpot was determined.

Dealer owner Onur Uğur said that he was happy to sell the ticket that hit the jackpot, adding that he does not know to who he sold the ticket.

“I hope it goes to someone who needs money. I have no expectations from the lucky one,” Uğur stated.

Mustafa Ertürk, the owner of games of chance dealer in Giresun, who sold the quarter ticket that hit the jackpot, said, “We were happy to give such a jackpot from our workplace.”

“It was a surprise to us too. In 2011 and 2012, we also sold a ticket winning the big jackpot from the numerical lottery twice in a row. This was the third one,” he added.

Unlike previous years, the jackpot was distributed in the draw to be held on the night of Dec. 31, 2022.

The draws were held in the presence of a notary public and accompanied by representatives of the state.

Türkiye, Turkey,