12 firms apply for Istanbul power grid
ISTANBUL - Hürriyet Daily News

The application submission deadline for Boğaziçi Elektrik is on Nov 30.
Turkey’s Privatization Administration has announced that it has received 12 applications for the privatization of Boğaziçi Elektrik. Park Holding and Aksa are among the confirmed, having both also submitted applications in the first cancelled tender.The submission deadline is scheduled for Nov. 13. The applicants will be required to provide a $30 million down payment, according to daily Radikal. The complete list of applicants is as follows: Enerjisa, Park Holding, Genpa Telekomünikasyon, Aksa Elektrik, Çalık Enerji, Zorlu Holding, Elsan-Tümaş-Karaçay joint venture, Cengiz-Kolin-Limak joint venture, Özyazıcı İnşaat Elektrik, Tata Power Company Limited, IC İçtaş İnşaat and Torunlar Gıda.
Karamehmet-Kazancı joint venture company MMEKA had submitted the highest bid during the first tender. Aksa had come second, followed by Park Holding. Despite asking for additional time, these companies were not able to make the necessary down payment.