Year’s writers, thinkers launched
ISTANBUL - Anatolia News Agency

TYB president İbrahim Ulvi Yavuz (center) says evaluation was made with input from several professionals from philosophy, art and literature. AA photo
The Writers Union of Turkey (TYB) has chosen its “2012 writers, thinkers and artists.”TYB president İbrahim Ulvi Yavuz said said the evaluation was made objectively with input from several professionals from the world of philosophy, art and literature.
Yavuz said interest in books and literature is decreasing each day and these awards may increase interest in this very important field. “Akif Hasan Kaya has won the award with his book “Islak Kibritler” (Wet Matches) in the short story category and Mustafa Aydoğan with his book of poems, “Bugün Konuştuklarımız” (What we talked about today),” Yavuz announced.
Işık Yener received the award for his novel “Taşra Şairi” (Poet of the County) and Necmettin Evci and Fırat Mollaer received awards in the category of literary criticism.
Books by Turgay Ana, Lütfi Bergen and Gökhan Akcura also received exclusive awards in the research category.
TYB issued awards to media institutions as well, where İbrahim Kiras of daily Star received an award and Doğu-Batı magazine was recognized in the magazine publishing category.