Turkey's TürkPatent receives over 72,000 trademark applications

Turkey's TürkPatent receives over 72,000 trademark applications

ISTANBUL-Anadolu Agency
Turkeys TürkPatent receives over 72,000 trademark applications

The Turkish Patent and Trademark Office (TürkPatent) received 72,085 trademark applications -- 62,398 of them domestic -- in the first seven months of this year, said its data report released on  Aug. 22. 

Haberin Devamı

The number of trademark applications increased by 3.5% year-on-year in the Jan.-July period of this year, according to the data. 

The office received 9,960 patent applications during the same period, up by 5.8% compared to the first seven months of 2018.  

1,580 utility model and 25,157 design applications were received between January and July. 97.5% of utility models and 81.82% of the design applications were domestic, said the data report.

Last year, the office received 120,008 trademarks, 18,504 patents, 2,770 utility models, and 42,083 design applications.
