Turkey calls on US to end all engagements with PYD/YPG

Turkey calls on US to end all engagements with PYD/YPG

Turkey calls on US to end all engagements with PYD/YPG

Turkey considers every support given to the PYD and YPG as a direct or indirect support to the illegal PKK, the country’s presidential aide said on Nov. 7.

Haberin Devamı

Speaking following a cabinet meeting at the Presidential Complex, Ibrahim Kalın said Turkey would never allow a terrorist group's structuring in the east of Euphrates River.

Commenting on the U.S. relations with the PYD/YPG, Kalın said: “Turkey's main expectation from the U.S., which is our NATO ally and strategic partner, is to end its all engagements with PYD/YPG, Syrian branch of PKK terror group."

"It is a futile effort from the U.S. to describe the PYD and YPG -- which they used to describe as the Syrian branch of the PKK-- as a legitimate group which has no links with terrorism and the PKK," Kalın said.

Kalın said Turkey makes no distinction between terrorist organizations and added: "Wherever it comes, inside or outside, Turkish Republic will resolutely continue fighting terrorist threats with all its institutions."

Kalın stressed that Turkey's fight against Daesh terrorist group was ongoing and said: "We can never accept the argument that the measures Turkey has been taking against PYD/YPG, that is PKK, is weakening its fight against Daesh."

The PKK is listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the U.S. and the EU.

Kalın also said schools linked to Fetullahist Terrorist Organization (FETÖ) were closed in 21 countries since July 15, 2016 defeated coup, and called it as "a diplomatic success."

"Our comprehensive struggle against the Fetullah terrorist organization is continuing all over the world. It is not possible to make any concessions on this issue," presidential aide said.

He called on the countries "supporting and letting FETÖ activities in their countries" to take a clear stance against the terrorist group. 

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US putting bounties on PKK positive, belated step: Akar

United States,