Top defense industry authority tied to Turkish presidency with new decree law

A top defense industry authority has been tied to the Turkish presidency with a new state of emergency decree published in the Official Gazette on Dec. 24.
The Defense Industry Undersecretary (SSM), which was established to develop a modern defense industry and to provide modernization of the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK), will carry out its works under the coordination of the Turkish Presidency. This authority had previously been tied to the defense ministry.
The undersecretary personnel will be appointed with the president’s approval and the president can transfer this authority to the undersecretary, according to the new decree.
Contracted personnel may be employed for a project or contract that requires special knowledge, met with the fees paid by the fund. The upper limit of the salary the employees will receive will be determined by the Defense Industry Executive Committee.
Funding scholarships and training support will be provided to develop human resources in the defense industry.
The Turkish president will chair the Defense Industry Executive Committee, which will be formed by the prime minister, the chief of general staff and the interior and national defense ministers. The prime minister will preside meetings the president cannot attend.
The committee will meet upon invitation by the president. The SSM will run the committee’s secretariat services. The agenda for committee meetings will be determined by the president as well.
The committee will decide on the strategic goal plan for the TSK and for the production of modern weapons, equipment and tools for the Gendarmerie General Command, the Coast Guard Command and the General Directorate of Security, in accordance with the security priorities of the Interior Ministry, from domestic or foreign sources.