Ottoman sultan’s grandson to get married
ISTANBUL – Hürriyet Daily News

Osman Selahaddşn Osmanoğlu will get married on April 22 at Çırağan.
The grandson of Ottoman sultan Murat V, Osman Selahaddin Osmanoğlu, is preparing to get married to his fiancé Hanife Candan Günen, daily Vatan has reported. The wedding ceremony will take place on April 22 at the Çırağan Palace in Istanbul, where his father Ali Vasıb Efendi was born.Osmanoğlu, 72, is one of the 24 sultan sons still alive from the Ottoman dynasty. He was previously married to British citizen Athena Joy Christoforides, but divorced in 1996. He is the father of Ayşe Gülnev Sultan, who recently rented her London house to popular British singer Adele. Osmanoğlu has been engaged to Günen for a year.
He is the grandson of Sultan Murad V on his father’s side and the grandson of Sultan Mehmed Reşad V on his mother’s side. His fiancé Günen is a retired philosophy teacher.
Speaking to Vatan, Osmanoğlu said they would not organize a large wedding ceremony, but rather give an invitation to small group of people. “Jordanian King Abdullah’s uncle sultan’s son Ali Bin Nayef and Egyptian Prince Abbas, who are our relatives on the mother’s side, may attend the ceremony” he added.