Film by Turkish glass artist at Venice Glass Week

Film by Turkish glass artist at Venice Glass Week

Film by Turkish glass artist at Venice Glass Week

Esma,” a short film by Turkish glass artist Felekşan Onar, will premiere during the Venice Glass Week 2019 following the conference “Murano-Istanbul: A glass making journey II.”

The second edition of Glass Week, to be organized between Sept. 7 and 15, will be a conference with a circular approach around the central theme of enameled glass as an art and trade object between the Serenissima (Venice) and the Sublime Port during the Renaissance.

Gianpaolo Scarante, the former Italian ambassador to Turkey and the current president of the Ateneo Veneto, archaeologist Feridun Özgümüs and Professor Vera Constantini of Ca Foscari University will speak at the conference.

On Sept. 10, the conference will be concluded with the premiere of “Esma,” a short film inspired by the Sokullu Mehmet Pasha Mosque in Istanbul, built by the Ottoman architect Mimar Sinan between 1569 and 1571 and commissioned by the Ottoman vezir’s wife Esmahan Sultan.

In the film, produced for this special occasion, Onar will present not only the mosque’s outstanding features but also render a personal account of Esmahan Sultan’s endeavor to master beauty through light, with the 900 pieces of candelabra specifically ordered from Murano.