Drunk Ethiopian embassy official threatens to ‘start war’ with Turkey

Drunk Ethiopian embassy official threatens to ‘start war’ with Turkey

Drunk Ethiopian embassy official threatens to ‘start war’ with Turkey

An official from the Ethiopian Embassy in Ankara, who was reportedly drunk, threatened police officers that he would “start a war” between Ethiopia and Turkey after getting involved in two traffic accidents on Nov. 26.

Haberin Devamı

Police officers were dispatched to the scene after the accidents as the official, whose identity remains undisclosed, reportedly refused to take an alcohol test.

After police arrived, the official reportedly vowed to “ignite a diplomatic crisis between Turkey and Ethiopia.”

One of the eyewitnesses, local man Burak Ayaydın, whose car was hit and damaged by the official, said the suspect threatened to “start a war” with Turkey.

“This person hit another car down the road. Then he drove off and hit us ... It looked like he was drunk,” Ayaydın said. 

“He did not agree to take an alcohol test and called for a ‘war between Ethiopia and Turkey.’ Other people who witnessed the incident also heard him saying that,” he added.

Ethiopian Embassy, diplomatic immunity,