Davutoğlu to meet new US secretary of state

Davutoğlu to meet new US secretary of state

ANKARA - Hürriyet Daily News
Davutoğlu to meet new US secretary of state

US Secretary of State Clinton (R) is seen with Turkish FM Davutoglu (L) as British Foreign Secretary Hague during the North Atlantic Council meeting. REUTERS Photo

Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu has said his first contact with U.S. Secretary of State Nominee John Kerry will take place in February, either in Turkey or in Washington.

Davutoğlu said he expected Washington to take more efficient position with regard to developments in the Middle East and Syria following the appointment of the new U.S. administration, Anatolia news agency reported Jan. 19.

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan may visit Washington in near future, Davutoğlu also said.

He was replying to questions asking whether the U.S. was paying sufficient attention to Syria.

“I think we can say that not only the U.S., but also the entire international community is deaf to the Syrian case. Turkey and other neighboring countries are almost being held responsible for the humanitarian problems in Syria,” Davutoğlu said.

The U.S. takes an active attitude on some issues but does not do the same for Syria, he also said, adding that the presidential election last year may have affected U.S. policies.

“But international problems cannot wait according to election calendars,” Davutoğlu said.