Baksı Museum opens door for talented children
BAYBURT - Anatolia News Agency

The Baksı Museum holds many arts and culture festivals in Bayburt. AA Photo
The Baksı Museum, which was opened in the eastern Black Sea province of Bayburt’s Bayraktar village by artist and educator Professor Hüsamettin Koçan, will discover talented children in the region with a Children’s Art Festival.The museum, which brings together contemporary and traditional handicrafts under the same roof, is located on a hill overlooking the Çoruh Valley, 45 kilometers away from the city center.
Opened in 2010 in the village where Koçan was born and grew up in order to revive employment in the village and stop emigration, the Baksı Museum will hold a Children’s Art Festival this year. Talented children in the region will be discovered and supported.
Important exhibitions of Baksı Museum
Koçan said the Baksı Museum had hosted important exhibitions since its opening. “Unlike previous years, we do not plan an exhibit this year. Instead we will begin a very important project, the
Children’s Art Festival. The project is for primary and secondary school children. Work is being carried out by Kürşat Okutmuş. What we expect from the project is to find talented children and pave the way for them by finding their ability and providing them a career. In this way, we want Bayburt’s talented people to contribute to the Turkish economy and world culture.”
Koçan said this was the age of producing fashion and brands. “Competition continues in the world. This is why we want designs that could create a brand. The Children’s Art Festival is a project of painting, design, music and theater. As part of the project, there will be workshops at the museum and at the end of the project, the Baksı Foundation will give scholarships to 15 students.”
Koçan said they attached great importance to the project, and it was one of the most exciting events of 2013.
Koçan, the owner of museum says, the museum aims
to make new festivals.
Koçan also said they would take serious steps in the tourism field. “We want to bring tourism to Bayburt. We have had talks with some tourism companies and reservations have already been made.”
Koçan said they had proposed a project to the Northeastern Anatolian Development Agency. “If this project is conducted, 10 houses will serve as pensions in Bayraktar village. We have a 30-bed capacity here. If we can make them active, we can host 60 people easily. Tourists will buy traditional products in Bayburt. They will go to the restaurants and cafes there and visit historical areas, and it will provide income. We believe that the project will make great contributions to the region’s economy and cultural values.”