Ankara Film Fest presents awards
ANKARA - Doğan News Agency

Nazan Kesal won the Best Actress Award for her role in Atıl İnanç’s ‘Circle.’ The film also won the other grand awards of the 25th Ankara Film Festival.
At the 25th Ankara International Film Festival, the awards for best film, best actress, best actor and best actor in a supporting role were given to Atıl İnanç’s film “Daire” (Circle).The closing ceremony of the festival was held on June 15 at the Presidential Symphonic Orchestra Hall. Çankaya Mayor Alper Taşdelen was also presented a plaque due to his contributions to the festival.
Ten films competed in this year’s national film category. Director İnanç, who did not attend the ceremony, dedicated the award to Berkin Elvan, a 15-year-old boy who died March 11, 2014 after being struck in the head by a tear gas canister during the Gezi Park protests that started last year.
The festival’s best actor and best actress awards were presented to the actress Nazan Kesal and actor Fatih Al for their performances in İnanç’s film.
In the short film category, Onur Yağız’s “Patika” (The Country Road) won the award, while Koray Sevindi’s film “Kafa” (Head) won the first prize in the fiction category. Oğuzhan Kaya’s “Mükemmel Bir Gün” (A Perfect Day) was the winner of the “Experimental” category, while Güliz Sağlam’s documentary film “Tepecik Hayal Okulu” (A Dream School in the Steppes) was selected as the best film in its own category.
The 25th Ankara International Film Festival was organized by the World Mass Media Research Foundation. The event was held between June 5 and 15. This year’s theme has been determined as “Memorylessness.”
Due to the 25th year of the festival, people who have previously won awards, or contributed to the festival, were congratulated with gratitude plaques.