Amphora tombs found in sunken city

Amphora tombs found in sunken city

Amphora tombs found in sunken city

Amphora tombs have been found in the 4,000-year-old sunken city of Elazığ’s Hazar Lake, Turkey’s second largest tectonic lake.

Haberin Devamı

It is known that the sunken city, which is believed to have been inundated with an earthquake in the 1890’s and whose history dates back 4,000 years, contains traces of many periods.

Underwater cultural heritage instructor trainer Nizam Kaya conducted a research that lasted for a month in the sunken city, which also applied to UNESCO for admission to the World Heritage List.

During the research, the 1.5-kilometer fortification wall, previously identified from the top of the water, was also viewed.

The cracks in the city walls, believed to have occurred during earthquakes, were also clearly exposed.