Arts & Life
Journey to the ice age in Aynalıgöl
Journey to the ice age in Aynalıgöl
Journey to the ice age in Aynalıgöl
Journey to the ice age in Aynalıgöl
AA Photo / Anıl Bağrık
Journey to the ice age in Aynalıgöl
AA Photo / Anıl Bağrık
Journey to the ice age in Aynalıgöl
AA Photo / Anıl Bağrık
Journey to the ice age in Aynalıgöl
Since then, it has been designated as a natural park by the Forestry Ministry and taken under protection by the local administration. According to scientists, the cave contains unique geological traces that date back to the ice age. Not widely known by the public, Aynalıgöl is still a small haven for adventure-seekers and nature-lovers far from the crowded summer spots on the western and southern coasts. AA Photo / Anıl Bağrık
Journey to the ice age in Aynalıgöl
AA Photo / Anıl Bağrık
Journey to the ice age in Aynalıgöl
AA Photo / Anıl Bağrık
Journey to the ice age in Aynalıgöl
The Gilindire caves in the southern province of Mersin offer a rare trip back in time and a simple shepherd is to be thanked for it. Indeed, the sumptuous caves facing the Mediterranean Sea, which are also called 'Aynalıgöl' or the 'lake with a mirror' due to the deepest part of the lake (some 50 meters under the surface) was discovered by a passing shepherd only 15 years ago. AA Photo / Anıl Bağrık
Journey to the ice age in Aynalıgöl
AA Photo / Anıl Bağrık
Journey to the ice age in Aynalıgöl
AA Photo / Anıl Bağrık
Journey to the ice age in Aynalıgöl
AA Photo / Anıl Bağrık
Journey to the ice age in Aynalıgöl
AA Photo / Anıl Bağrık
Journey to the ice age in Aynalıgöl
AA Photo / Anıl Bağrık
Journey to the ice age in Aynalıgöl
AA Photo / Anıl Bağrık
Journey to the ice age in Aynalıgöl
AA Photo / Anıl Bağrık
Journey to the ice age in Aynalıgöl
AA Photo / Anıl Bağrık
Journey to the ice age in Aynalıgöl
AA Photo / Anıl Bağrık
Journey to the ice age in Aynalıgöl
AA Photo / Anıl Bağrık
Journey to the ice age in Aynalıgöl
AA Photo / Anıl Bağrık
Journey to the ice age in Aynalıgöl
AA Photo / Anıl Bağrık
Journey to the ice age in Aynalıgöl
AA Photo / Anıl Bağrık
Journey to the ice age in Aynalıgöl
AA Photo / Anıl Bağrık
Journey to the ice age in Aynalıgöl
AA Photo / Anıl Bağrık
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