!f Istanbul announces 2018 winners

The 17th !f Istanbul Independent Film Festival, held between Feb. 15 and 25 in Istanbul and set to move to the capital Ankara and the Aegean province of İzmir between March 1 and 4, has announced its winners.
Bertrand Mandico’s feature “Wild Boys” won the “!f Inspired” award, while a “Special Mention” was awarded to Joao Dumans’ and Affonso Uchoa’s “Araby.”
The “!f Inspired” competition celebrates films that take cinema toward a new direction through their storytelling approach and technique. This year, eight films from around the world competed for the award. The “!f Inspired” jury this year gave the award to “Wild Boys.”
The jury awarded the “Special Mention” to “Araby” for its great humanity and bold commitment to offering a perspective rarely explored in cinema.
The films in the !nspired competition were also evaluated by the Film Critics Association (SIYAD). The competition’s jury also chose a film for the SIYAD award.
“The Nothing Factory” by Pedro Pinho was given the award for its work on commenting in detail on the effects of the global capitalism crisis on the working class without distracting the audience.
Started by !f İstanbul three years ago to host activist films from around the world, the “Love and Change” competition brings together films that seek change and look at the world through soft eyes and an open heart.
This year, seven films from 12 countries were in the competition and the winner was “Primas.”
The “Love and Change” competition’s jury also awarded a “Special Mention” to Mila Turajlic’s “The Other Side of Everything.”
“This film is full of love not just for people, and not so much for a place as for a home — a vital message in a time of rising nationalism — so our special mention goes to ‘The Other Side of Everything,’” the jury said.
One of the innovations of the !f Istanbul Independent Film Festival this year, !f Fresh brings together films produced in or about Turkey. Seven films were shown and the winner of the prize was Emre Erdoğdu’s “Kar” (Snow).